Guns N’ Roses post-pone Japanese tour; water still wet

Posted April 11th, 2007 by eric

Former Replacement and current hired Gun (pun intended), Tommy Stinson, apparently “accidentally fell down a flight of stairs“, spraining his wrist.

Stinson explains, “I feel so bad right now…I put my hand down to break my fall and heard a loud ‘pop.’ The next morning my hand looked like a balloon.”

So the tour is post-poned? No offense to Stinson, but, uhh, it would take maybe 5 minutes to find a replacement (pun not intended) to play bass. Does Axl really think the Japanese audience gives a flying shit who’s playing bass these days?

All of it sounds shady. Axl needs to let it die. Guns N’ Roses is beyond embarrassing at this point. Either play with the original line-up or hang it up. The only reason anyone even bothers to pay attention is to see how badly this train crashes.

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