Lily Allen recently introduced me to The Whip. Gotta love that girl. The track has already received the remix treatment from a variety of folks, including labelmates, Crookers. The Whip – Trash (Crookers remix)
Madchester returns with a Whip?
March 16th, 2008
Remixes are for kids #5 – Gang of Four vs. Death Row Archie
March 16th, 2008
Yes, it is pretty close to blasphemy to touch a Gang of Four track, especially one as beloved as Outside The Trains Don’t Run On Time, but Death Row Archie does an honorable remixing of this classic track. Outside The Trains Don’t Run On Time (Death Row Archie)
SongKick: A sort of Google Analytics for Bands
March 16th, 2008
Via Techcrunch comes news of this bizarre sort of buzz tracking site called SongKick. They collect stats on any band on MySpace with more than 50 friends and compare the data to Amazon sales and other stuff, displaying recent blog posts about the band and fancy charts and graphs. If they integrated HypeMachine data and […]
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Sweatin to the Oldies: Pulp’s Common People
March 14th, 2008
From a commenter: “this is my favvvies song atm my dad used to play it in the car when i was ikkle now im 15, and i jus cant get enuff of this song man!!! lovin the oldies XD” Amusingly, I saw Pulp 15 years ago. I suppose the commenter was just a zygote at […]
Because It’s Friday: Saul Williams’ List of Demands
March 14th, 2008
(via jroo)
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Obsession of the week: Crystal Castles
March 11th, 2008
I am in love with Crystal Castles. (coming to a town near me, March 23!) The Canadian Invasion is neverending. Toronto and Montreal are my sonic saviors. Crimewave – Crystal Castles vs health
Sincerely, L. Cohen
March 11th, 2008
The man is such a bad ass.
Tags: video