NPR’s excruciating Sigur Ros interview

Posted October 12th, 2007 by eric

This interview with Iceland’s Sigur Ros is so painful to watch, but I highly recommend it. The interviewer is admittedly a little daft or maybe just nervous, but even some of his simplest, most straightforward questions are met with nine-months-pregnant pauses followed by three muttered words at best. NPR posted the interview purely as an example of a good interview gone wrong, and it’s almost as uncomfortable as watching one of David Brent’s notoriously squirm-inducing scenes on the British Office. Almost.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Caleb // Oct 12, 2007 at 7:12 pm

    I thought it was awesome. I don’t see how everyone doesn’t seem to see that the band acted as if they were acting like that on purpose, they definitly know how to do a good interview. They just don’t like doing them. It almost seems like they enjoy picking on the person doing the interview by saying hardly anything. I thought it was awesome.