Apparently I’m friends with a friend of the guy (a Teenbeat intern) in this video. Small world.
So So Retro
September 4th, 2008
Ça Plane Pour Moi, Gossip Girl
September 4th, 2008
If you’re one of the people who watches Gossip Girl religiously and was wondering what that song from the Season 2 Promos was, consensus seems to be Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand. And yes, this does make 2 French songs in a row. WTF?! Random.
September 3rd, 2008
With all the bands aping the ’80s sound as of late, I was amused to discover Indochine, the ’80s French New Romantic band of note.
Portastatic – Some Small History
September 3rd, 2008
I’ve always been more of a Superchunk fan than that of Portastatic, much to the chagrin of some huge fans of Mac McCaughan’s side project who are always trying to convince me that I’m a pretty much a fool. Same goes for Sebadoh and Lou Barlow, but the inverse. C’est la vie or ma vie […]
Tags: mp3 · new release
REVIEW: Anakrid, FeverDreamFever, Stereonucleosis
September 3rd, 2008
Inarguably, Anakrid’s music is inherently uneasy on the ears, but that shouldn’t completely scare you away, if you’re ever even slightly intrigued by what’s behind the other, less welcoming door. Anakrid’s so-called “difficult” musical canvas is an acquired taste to be sure, but it’s worth adjusting the tuning in your musical ear to appreciate the […]
Tags: album-review
Lily Allen, drunk, embarrasses AOR treasure
September 3rd, 2008
Lily Allen drunkenly swore at Elton John at the GQ Awards last night, visibly raising Sir Elton’s precious dander to the point that he challenged Miss Allen to an embarrassing game of who can snort the most coke. [via queenofalldouchebaggery]
Tags: video
The Wedding Present on tour + vintage show download
September 3rd, 2008
The Wedding Present kicks off its US tour in support of El Rey on September 18th in San Diego. I’ve yet to give the new record more than a perfunctory listen, and I haven’t seen the band since the Saturnalia tour in 1996, so I’m hoping to remedy both soon. Anway, the sound of indie […]