My obsession for Crystal Castles has grown by leaps and bounds. I can’t get enough and until I am cured, you too shall suffer as a result of my addiction. Quarterlifeparty has a nice show review, and points out that the entire album can be streamed at Spinner (there are also 2 mp3 at Quarterlifeparty […]
Absolutely positively Crystal Castles obsessed
March 31st, 2008
Tags: mp3
New Ladytron: Black Cat
March 31st, 2008
New Ladytron track Black Cat available at MySpace. Coming to a town near you this summer. Coming to a town near me in June, on the heels of the release of Velocifero. (via Big Stereo, where an mp3 of the new track awaits your downloading.)
Tags: MySpace · new release
Retro Sunday: Saint Etienne
March 31st, 2008
I still can’t believe I panned Tiger Bay in ’94. It became one of my favorite Saint Etienne albums. Post inspired by a sliver of Saint Etienne caught in Almodovar’s Volver the other day.
Tags: video
Morrissey “That’s How People Grow UP” video
March 28th, 2008
To coincide with yet another compilation, Morrissey has released this new single as the featured track on his new Greatest Hits record. I haven’t the faintest idea how this compilation differs from all the others, but have no doubt that Morrissey knows how to milk a market share (“reissue, repackage…”, never mind). His star has […]
Tags: video
Kristin Hersh debuts performance piece in UK
March 28th, 2008
If you’re a Throwing Muses fan or at least even quasi-familiar with Kristin Hersh’s solo material, then you’re well aware that her mental anguish is serious if not altogether frightening. Well, Hersh has made strides battling mental illness over the past two decades, and she’s put together a spoken-word performance piece entitled “Paradoxical Undressing”, which […]
RETRO: Huggy Bear “Her Jazz”
March 28th, 2008
Stumbled across a link to Huggy Bear’s early demos and Peel sessions on Idolator the other day, which made me nostalgic for this song. 1994 was a bad ass year. This clip is from a 1994 UK zine documentary “Getting Close to Nothing.”
Of Montreal in the studio
March 28th, 2008
Crafting the follow-up to last year’s stupendous Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? isn’t intimidating in the least for Kevin Barnes, despite the fact that Fauna’s emotional bloodletting practically destroyed his sanity. Turns out not much has changed, even with all the accolades and success, as Barnes recently told Rolling Stone, “Every day, I wake […]
Tags: news